My 3 Inspirational Style bloggers
January 30, 2016
Don’t forget the classics – item three
February 15, 2016It’s funny when you have that lightbulb moment – it’s normally very obvious but then something triggers the thought, “Of course!”
For me it was last week when I ordered a grey duster coat on a bit of a whim from Oasis Sale – I had been looking for a grey over-layer for a while to give me an option from my ‘wear every day’ camel coat, below.
I saw the images, liked the fabric content (always a must) and noticed the teenagers who had posted shots of themselves looking cool (it was also a good price!)
But when I tried it on something was wrong – basically yes, it was oversized but it was too long for my style (as I don’t wear skinny leggings and I am not a teenager!)
So a quick pin and a lightbulb ‘ping’ and yes it had to be shorted. I also moved the fastenings – to a now a very wearable, throw over car coat length. Result.
So, the thought for this week is Proportion (Oxford dictionary quotes: The correct, attractive, or ideal relationship between one thing and another or between the parts of a whole)
If you love a garment but know something is wrong, it may just need a shortened hem, or sleeves to 3/4, or trousers from full to ankle length. A £15-20 pound spend will ensure it stays out of your wardrobe.
If you are unsure of a garment, email a shot of you wearing it and I will give you my opinion of whether it’s worth the effort.
K x