A Good Crop
June 4, 2019
How to run a fashion business (or two!)
September 6, 2019I have vivid memories of my mum slipping her bra off during summer evenings – a subtle back reach to unclasp, double shoulder shift and side slide to remove said undergarment, 10 seconds flat! It makes me chuckle as it all makes sense now. Underwired bras, in relax mode, after 8pm are far too uncomfortable .
So I did a bulk buy from Marks the other day. I really wanted a soft bra shape to put on in the evenings to offer a bit of support but not dig in once I flopped (on the sofa). It was harder than I imagined as I really wanted natural fibres but all the cotton ones didn’t appeal once on.
Out of five options I returned them all, but re-bought this one a size bigger for extra comfort.
There is a good colour range, a proper back fastening, instead of an over-the-head tank top style, soft shaping with bust darts and under bust seaming, no underwire and no padding. There is a racer back clip option and it’s available in cup A-E, £12.
Is anyone else with me on this one?
Go forth in comfort xx
K x
Love the look for this bra Kirstie. I have some comfy ones that I bought from Bravissimo that don’t have underwire. Definitely agree that removing the undersides for evening sofa time is a must!!
Yes I had a look at Bravissimo, they look good too – let’s keep comfy xxxx
a problem for many of us Kirstie and I settle now for strapless! no straps falling off my shoulders and forever pulling them up, wonderful. great tips from you as always.
You’ve got it sorted Elvis – although I find strapless just fall down anyway!! K xx
Definitely even with the slightly cooler weather of late – comfort is a necessity. Now I’ve broken up from school off to M&S today.
Just wondering have you written any articles about hair – I’m struggling with mine and being in my early 50’s I’ve lost my way .
Hi Sandra, yes a bit cooler but evening comfort still as important… Hair, totally agree, is tricker as we age. I will liaise with my lovely friend, hair and makeup artist, Hanna Wildman and see if we can come up with a few top tips. Watch this space. K x